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Posted on: 28/11/2023Seasonal Reading Challenge
We all know The Twelve Days of Christmas, but do you know about the Twelve Days of Reading? No gold rings, no turtle doves and not even a partridge… but something much better!
This fun and seasonal Reading Challenge is designed to encourage reading and support the wellbeing of our pupils as we head towards the end of a busy term (and year!). The challenge can be completed independently or with friends or family members.
Each child who completes the challenge will earn a special reading time (with treats!) and the class where the most children complete the challenge will have the honour of choosing some new books for their class book corner. Please take photos of yourselves completing the challenges and upload them to Google Classroom. We’d love to see you enjoying reading!
Challenges can be completed over the whole of December and need to be handed back to class teachers by Wednesday 10th January. Winners will be announced the following week.
If you are having difficulty finding books that fit the challenge, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with your child’s class teacher and we can signpost you to some recommended reads!