Headteacher's Welcome
A warm welcome to Hinchley Wood Primary School. I am extremely proud to be the Headteacher of this wonderful school serving our supportive local community.
The school team and I recognise the importance of instilling an early love of learning and building a strong academic foundation. We take seriously our responsibility to ensure every pupil’s happiness at school. The precious memories we help to create at primary school will stay with and shape our pupils throughout their lives.
A strong community
Our school educates children from 4 through to 11 years of age; Reception to Year 6; with three classes in each year group.
After year 6, a large majority of our pupils continue their education at Hinchley Wood School which is located on the site adjacent to our school. This creates a strong community feel in our schools; many of our pupils (and their parents/carers) have long friendships stretching from nursery all the way to 6th form and beyond.
The school site
We are fortunate to be located in a large building on extensive grounds, meaning that our children benefit from many areas to play and learn. All of our classrooms are bright, spacious and well resourced.
In terms of outdoor space we are truly spoilt! Reception classes have their own outdoor space which they use every day. We also have a large sports field, a fenced MUGA for various sports, artificial grassed areas and multiple playgrounds with modern, newly installed play equipment for the children to enjoy.
Our learning
We are dedicated to providing the best possible education for every pupil in a stimulating and safe environment. We follow a rich curriculum and aim to make learning exciting and engaging. Our staff work tirelessly to provide a safe, secure and happy learning environment in which every child can shine and flourish in all aspects of school life.
Hinchley Wood Learning Partnership
We are delighted to be part of the Hinchley Wood Learning Partnership who we work closely with to ensure high quality provision for our pupils. Being a member school of the partnership has brought many benefits including shared learning resources and specialist teaching in areas such as Music, French and PE. We work together to ensure that pupils are well prepared for their next step in learning across all aspects of development.
Our pupils and their families
Underpinning our academic successes are the high standards of our pupils' behaviour and their excellent attendance, both of which require the support and involvement of our parents and carers which we actively encourage.
We welcome you to find out more about our school through our website, prospectus and video and invite you to contact us if you would like to find out more.
I look forward to meeting you!
Mrs Aisling Hogan