What is Stay on Green?
At Hinchley Wood Primary School we recognise and celebrate positive behaviour through our system called Stay on Green. We have a responsibility to help children understand that they have choices about how to behave and a responsibility to help them develop the strategies needed to make the right choices. We believe that children are able to succeed when provided with clear behaviour expectations combined with praise and encouragement for showing good behaviour. A Class Charter is created with every class at the start of term to establish these behaviour expectations. All children at Hinchley Wood understand that they always aim to Stay on Green by showing behaviour that demonstrates our school values of consideration and determination. They are rewarded with Green Points that go towards the whole class Green Point total which enables them to have special rewards as a whole class. The children are allowed to vote for their whole class reward and this could be an activity such as team games outside, a tea party, decorating cakes, a camp fire, playing board games etc.
The principle behind this system is:
- That all pupils have the opportunity to make positive choices about their behaviour and influence outcomes
- That teachers integrate a system within daily teaching that promotes positive behaviour
- Pupils who consistently behave well are noticed and rewarded
- Pupils know that there are clear consequences for behaviour that does not meet the expectation
How does it work?
Each classroom displays the Stay on Green chart. The individual children’s names are attached to the chart and every child begins each day on Green. All children that are on Green at the end of the day are rewarded with a Green point. A pupil can move up and down the chart dependent on their behaviour choices.
What happens if a pupil is not behaving appropriately?
At least one warning is always provided for pupils in between each stage. If teachers decide to move a child’s name to the Blue, Yellow or Red cards they must be clear with the pupil what they are doing wrong, and what the pupil can do to return to Green.
If a pupil is on Blue- The pupil is reminded of their poor behaviour choice and that they need to start making the right choices so they can move back to Green. Staff look for opportunities to move pupils back to the Green card.
If a child is on Yellow- The child has now had an opportunity to improve their behaviour but has not done so. A member of staff will remind the child what they are doing wrong and explain what they need to do to rectify it. Staff look for opportunities to move the pupil back to Blue and then Green.
If a child is on Red- The pupil has not improved their behaviour despite multiple verbal warnings and opportunities. They now need to complete reflection time in the classroom for 10 minutes. Pupils will move to a suitable reflection area and use a timer. A reflection sheet will be completed and kept on record.
Beyond Red- If pupils continue to make poor behaviour choices, they will be referred to a member of the Senior Leadership Team. The staff member will record the pupil’s name and any action taken.
Pupil behaviour will be discussed with the pupil with a view to one of three outcomes.
1. The child completes a reflection time with SLT (using restorative conversation). The pupil thinks of strategies to repair the situation and the pupil returns to class to aim to get back to Green. The pupil reports back to the member of SLT at the end of the day.
2. The member of SLT makes a phone call home. Parents/carers are informed of the situation, the actions required for improvement and what the next steps will be if there is no improvement in pupil behaviour. The pupil returns to class to aim to get back to green.
3. A Parent / Carer meeting is arranged. This may include reviewing and developing pupil targets or developing an Individual Behaviour Plan with the support of all staff working with the child.
What happens if a child is demonstrating excellent behaviour?
If children exceed expectations they will achieve special individual recognition by moving up the chart to Bronze, Silver or even Gold. This means that they haven’t just been consistently Green, but that they have achieved something exceptional. Maybe a child has demonstrated consistently good behaviour for learning, produced a particularly outstanding piece of work or perhaps they did something extremely kind. Their name is moved up to Bronze, Silver or Gold on the chart and the child also receives a sticker to celebrate their achievement. Children that are moved to Gold are also sent to the Head Teacher to have their name recorded in the Gold award book and are celebrated in the weekly newsletter.
Click Here for the School Behaviour Policy