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Posted on: 13/11/2023Anti-Bullying Week
This week the children have been marking Anti-Bullying Week through assemblies and learning activities in class. Reception have been listening to stories about what it means to be unkind whilst Year 1 have been thinking about what makes us all special and unique. Year 2 learnt what happens when people are repeatedly unkind to someone and the affect this can have on someone’s self-esteem. Year 3 created Anti-Bullying chains to celebrate this year’s slogan which is ‘Make a noise about bullying’. In Year 4, children learnt about the effects of bullying using a bruised apple to represent the damage it can cause to people on the inside. Year 5 discussed ‘banter’ and how this can sometimes be used to disguise bullying behaviour. Year 6 watched some real-life scenarios related to online bullying and discussed how they could protect themselves. All children have been invited to take part in a whole-school poster competition to design an Anti-Bullying hero. We will share some of the entries with you next week!