Remote Learning & Guidance
At Hinchley Wood Primary School we are dedicated to ensuring that parents, carers and pupils understand the expectations for home learning and how to access this. We will provide a range of learning opportunities for parents to access in the event that their child works from home due to isolating or in the event of wider school closures. We have divided our remote learning offers into 4 scenarios. Each scenario clearly shows our response to each possible situation.
Scenario 1: School open as usual
- All children attend.
- All staff attend.
- A broad and balanced curriculum will be delivered within class bubbles by each class teacher.
- Other adults entering the bubble will be avoided as much as possible but may take place, for example, to cover the class in the event of staff absence, to deliver specialist subjects or to support specific learning needs.
- Appropriate adaptations to the curriculum and assessment/feedback procedures along with changes to the usage of resources will be made to support safe approaches within the classroom. These are outlined in our risk assessment document.
Scenario 2: Individuals are absent from school through a requirement of self-isolation or through an authorised reason that means they are unable to attend school
- Year group leaders will provide a curriculum overview of the learning taking place each term which will be available on our school website.
- The teacher will decide whether the work currently being delivered in class is appropriate initially for the pupil/s at home or whether our ‘ready to go’ packs are more appropriate for day 1 – 3. Following this period the teacher will upload tasks on google classroom. In addition the teacher will signpost families to other approved external resources such as from the White Rose Maths, TT Rockstars, Bug Club
- As staff will be teaching other children in school during the day, interaction and feedback opportunities through Google Classroom will not be during the school day.
Scenario 3: Partial school closure due to a member of the class testing positive for Coronavirus
- School opens for all other children apart from the affected class/bubble.
- All available staff attend school.
- Any self-isolating teaching staff and teaching assistants (providing they are well) will work remotely from home to provide suitable planning and support for children who are at home.
- We will offer online home learning to pupils in affected classes who are working at home via Google Classroom. This will, whenever possible, match the curriculum content that is being taught in school for other pupils in that year group.
- Individual support will be offered by our learning support staff for pupils specifically identified by class teachers. This will usually, but not exclusively, be those pupils with special educational needs and will involve daily or weekly phone calls to talk through the home learning tasks or provide scaffold and differentiation.
- During the self-isolation period, we will provide pupils with the opportunity to talk to their class teacher. This will give the teachers an opportunity to provide feedback to pupils about their learning and for pupils to talk about their home learning experience.
- Our Inclusion team (ELSA, HSLW) will contact any families they usually work with to offer any support necessary
- We will offer the loan of a chromebook/laptop to any identified families of children who don’t have access to suitable technology .
- We will communicate regularly with Parents/Carers via:
- Google Classroom about learning (Years 1-6)
- Tapestry about learning (Reception Year)
- Email to pass on general information and provide updates.
- Telephone conversations for specific information
Scenario 4: Government enforced school closure for more than 2 weeks
- School closed to all staff and pupils except for those who are children of critical workers, SEND or Vulnerable pupils.
- Children of Critical Workers and Vulnerable pupils will be supported in school by available staff and teaching assistants.
- Teaching staff will provide suitable teaching and learning for their classes. This will focus primarily on English and maths but will also include a range of other subjects and topics. This will match the learning of any teaching in school.
- We will offer home learning to all pupils via Google Classroom and weekly interactions with class teachers.
- Individual support will again be offered by our learning support staff for pupils specifically identified by class teachers. Again, this will usually, but not exclusively, be those pupils with special educational needs and will involve daily or weekly phone calls to talk through the home learning tasks or provide scaffold and differentiation.
- We will communicate with pupils with special educational needs (if the child is not attending school)This will involve daily or weekly phone calls to talk through the home learning tasks or provide support, scaffold and differentiation.
- We will offer the loan of a chromebook/laptop to identified families of children who don’t have access to suitable technology.
- We will communicate regularly with Parents/Carers via:
- Google Classroom about learning (Years 1-6)
- Tapestry about learning (Reception Year)
- Email to pass on general information and provide updates.
- Telephone conversations for specific information
- Teacher to Child learning video conference call via "Parents Evening System"
Scenario 4: Remote Learning Offer for Years 1-6
Daily Pre-recorded Morning Meeting (Link on Google Classroom) |
Teachers will welcome children with an introduction to the learning that will be happening that day, any general messages for the class and a brain break. We recommend that children begin their day by watching this video. |
Timetable (Posted on Google Classroom) |
A daily timetable which will include further suggestions and links to extend children’s learning. |
Three Daily Loom Lessons (Link on Google Classroom) |
These lessons will be pre-recorded on Loom and will be around 15 minutes long. There will be a daily English and maths lesson and one other subject. Children will see their teachers on screen during these lessons. This will then be followed up with learning activities which will be posted on Google Classroom. |
Google Classroom Learning Activities (Posted on Google Classroom) |
Teachers will upload work onto Google Classroom, which will be available from 8am each morning. This will be a mixture of online and practical learning. This work can be printed if required, please let your class teacher know via Google Classroom if you require this. The completed learning will need to be uploaded by 5pm each day and teachers will mark this work and will feedback on a piece of work each day. Please bear in mind that on some days teachers will be in class full time and so may only be able to feed back after school hours. |
Teacher to Child learning video conference call (weekly) via "Parents Evening System" |
Using our parents’ evening system, teachers will have an individual video call with each child on a weekly basis (starting w.c. 11.01.21). These will be pre booked in the same way as the parents’ evening appointments. The focus of this will be your child’s learning. It is important that you book your slot at a time when your child will be available to speak to the teacher. Telephone calls can be offered as an alternative if preferred. Further details will follow. |
Scenario 4: Remote Learning Offer for Early Years
Daily Pre-recorded Morning Meeting (Link on Tapestry)
Teachers will welcome children with an introduction to the learning that will be happening that day, any general messages for the class and celebrate achievements from the previous day. We recommend that children begin their day by watching this video as it will explain the activities for the day and support with establishing a learning routine. We will also include a ‘brain break’ following the Mind Up programme. We usually do a brain break three times a day; after morning registration, after lunch time and before the end of the day. However, we provide the link This can be accessed at any time when children need a calm moment. |
Tapestry |
Teachers will upload work onto Tapestry, which will be available from 8am each morning. This will be a mixture of practical learning and written tasks. This work can be printed if required, please let your class teacher know via Tapestry if you require this. The learning photographs of written work or practical activities will need to be uploaded by 5pm each day. On some occasions, you may wish to upload a short video. We request that each day your child’s work is uploaded in one post as this will enable the teacher to see the range of learning completed for each day. Teachers will mark this work and will feedback on a piece of work each day. Please bear in mind that on some days teachers will be in class full time and so may only be able to feedback after school hours. |
Three Daily Loom Lessons and a daily story time. |
Children will have access to pre-recorded lessons filmed by their own class teacher using Loom. The links will be uploaded every day on Tapestry. There will be daily Literacy lessons based around a story book, phonics lessons following the Sounds-Write programme and a daily maths lesson. The lessons will be around 15 minutes, but may be split into two smaller manageable videos, separating the starter and the main input. This will then be followed up by learning activities which will be posted on Tapestry in a daily learning pack. On Fridays, your child’s video lessons change to phonics, P.E (physical development) and a lesson for understanding the world (for example R.E, PSHE etc). |
Rainbow activities
We will provide a daily rainbow of activities which are planned to cover a range of learning areas in the EYFS curriculum (Communication and Language, Physical Development, Literacy, Mathematics, Understanding the world, and Expressive arts and design). A range of activities are provided to reflect the learning in school, but there is not an expectation to complete all of them. The teacher will direct you each day which activities they would like to see submitted on Tapestry. However, in the post you are welcome to include any other activities your child has completed during the day. |
Bug Club |
Each week your child will be set books on Bug Club. These will correspond with the sounds your child has been learning in phonics. However, we do encourage you to read other stories together at home and we will include a daily story time video to encourage reading for pleasure. |
Teacher to Child learning video conference call (weekly) (Booking system details to follow) |
Using our parents’ evening system, teachers will have an individual video call with each child on a weekly basis (starting w.c. 11.01.21). These will be pre booked in the same way as the parents’ evening appointments. The focus of this will be your child’s learning. It is important that you book your slot at a time when your child will be available to speak to the teacher. Telephone calls can be offered as an alternative if preferred. Further details will follow. |